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Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Heart of a Blogger-Rant

I would like to start off by saying that I have great admiration for sites such as "TechCrunch", "The Huffington Post", "Gizmodo" and many other blogs that started from the ground up. They spent years perfecting their image and gaining followers. Some have even managed to make a decent living after their long road to success. But the fact is that very few bloggers make it to the top or even make any significant amount of money in the process.

I started this blog in January of 2008, with the intention of using it as a tool to connect with my karaoke followers and post pictures of recent gigs. But as it turned out, I just couldn't keep myself from writing about all the things that were in my head...hence "Off the Top". I later placed ad's on the site, not because I thought I would get rich, but because they made the site look more professional and pleasing to the eye. Sure, I make a penny here and there, Whoopee!

It is no surprise to me that there are some spelling and tense errors in my published posts. I do try to be as grammatically correct as possible, but my main goal is to get my opinions and/or facts across to the reader. In reality the research, that is portrayed in my articles, should speak for itself. So you can imagine my surprise when a now former Facebook friend, who pointed out flaws in my posts on a daily basis, accused me of caring more about clicks and making money than the articles I write. They also wrote that I am not a high achiever and that the younger generation has lower standards in writing, but that I shouldn't take any of that personally.

Don't take it personally? Is this person for real? I cannot imagine a blogger who would not take those remarks personally. Thanks to the grand design of Facebook I was able to un-friend this person so they could no longer suck the fun out of my online routine. And for the record, I would like to make it clear that my writing is very important to me. I just want my opinions to be heard the same as most other bloggers. I generate as much traffic as possible in order to rank higher in the search results so my articles can be found by people all over the world. As for the individual who turned a few spelling errors into a personal attack, I would like to say, in the words of Chef Gordon Ramsay..."Piss Off!"

Friday, January 1, 2010

New 2010 Driving Laws

I would like to notify my Illinois friends that Governor Pat Quinn signed into law House Bill 71 and House Bill 72 on August 6, 2009. The new laws, effective January 1, 2010, ban motorists from sending text messages while driving in Illinois and also make it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving through a highway construction zone or school zone.

If caught texting in any of the above situations the driver may be ticked $75. In addition to this, law enforcement can also subpoena phone records if you are involved in an automobile accident. If it is found that texting has played a part in the accident the fines may be increased.

Sorry all you text junkies, guess you will have to get a navigation system to play with instead. They are still legal.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye to the O's

On CNN this morning, the first decade of 2000 was referred to as the O's. This was the first time I had heard the reference, but it definitely fits, as most people do simply say 02, 03, 04, etc. when referencing the past ten years. Unfortunately the O's have left much too be desired for Americans.

The biggest news stories, this past decade, mainly stemmed from terrorist plots and attacks, celebrity affairs and the usual politicians gone bad. There were few, if any, great scientific breakthroughs or huge inventions. Although technology made many advancements, few jobs were created as a result. The bad news has definitely out-weighed the good the past ten years. So where have all our geniuses, aspiring doctors and inventors gone?

I have my own theory, but that is a story in itself. I do, however, feel that America will be on the right track in 2010. For example, banks are now scanning their customers I.D. and/or drivers license to help in the prevention of identity theft, anti-virus giants, such as McAfee, are upgrading their programs to better secure computers against malicious attacks and insurance companies will no longer be able to limit the amount of money they are willing to spend in saving a human life. These breakthroughs are bigger than we think and will change the face of this country in the years to come.

The United States has always taken pride in medical and technological advancements. Many great inventions, even the computer, were developed by Americans. The past ten years have seemed quite stagnant, yet I am confident that we will find all our hidden geniuses very soon. Who cares about being the "superpower"? I just want to live in a country that prospers and cares for it's citizens.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

5 Definitions for "terrorist"

If I see one more scrawny looser on TV for committing, or even attempting to commit, an act of terrorism I am going to scream. I think we should round up all the terrorists, shave their heads, tattoo a big American flag on it and drop their asses in Afghanistan. They will make excellent decoys for U.S. troops defending this country. I don't care about ethnicity. There are white Americans working against this country too...and I am SICK of it. So I've compiled my own definitions for the word "Terrorist".

1. person whom is stupid enough to stick a bomb in their pants and light it just because a bunch of other guys told them too

2. wanna-be gangster with low self esteem whom has no leadership quality

3. religious fanatic who believes his god says, "It's O.K. Go blow up a bunch of Americans. And while your at it, blow yourself up too. Then join me in heaven and we will drink wine and lay with beautiful naked women"

4. individual that uses unnatural means to inflict harm upon others because they are too big a coward to fight their enemies face to face

5. men who abduct and rape children, generally because they have a horrendous need for power, but know they are too stupid to gain that power, like a man, in the real world

Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?"
quote: George Bernard Shaw